While caring for incurably sick children as well as their parents and siblings, the focus usually is on the medical treatment. Possibilities to escape the illness mentally, to be cared for well in a neutral environment and having a carefree time as a family, are usually rare.
The „DRK-Schwesternschaft Georgia-August e.V.“ wants to change that now and build the inpatient hospice “Sternenlichtter”for children and young adults under the motto “life care instead of end-of-life-care”. A project that deeply impresses and touches us – and that we naturally want to support! The plans are already made far, the building work will start shortly.
To be able to bundle up a high donation amount, we invited our Bioventure investors to support the project with a donation! Altogether we were able to acquire donations amounting to 25.400 €! Once again: Thank you very much for your contribution!
If you would also like to support the hospice for children and young adults “Sternenlichter”, this is the donation account:
Kinder- und Jugendhospiz Sternenlichter gGmbH
DE05 2605 0001 0056 0819 95
Sparkasse Göttingen
Thank you very much!
List of donors:
- Anonymous: 5.000 €
- Anonymous: 250 €
- Anonymous: 300 €
- Family Hertz-Eichenrode: 600 €
- Family Hochkirchen: 1.000 €
- Family Holst: 1.000 €
- Family Horster: 300 €
- Family Prof. Müller-Hermelink: 1.000 €
- Renatur GmbH: 150 €
- Families Rooders/ Brouwers: 2.400 €
- Family Schüler: 3.000 €
- Family Dr. Elmar Stachels: 1.500 €
- Family Strothmann: 1.000 €
- Laure Vermot-Desroches GmbH: 500 €
- Bioventure Consulting GmbH: 5.000 €
- Hoppe & Straub Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG: 3.000 €